
Group Mind Alchemy WITH THE KING MAKER

Group Immersion Mind Alchemy is for you...if you are ready to change your life. This service is for you...if you want to be guided on how to become the architect of your own reality, and no longer feel like a victim of the circumstances you find yourself in.
Immersion Mind Alchemy will help you reprogram your beliefs about what you get to have; what is possible for you; and how the world gets to works for you.
This is a Group Mind Alchemy Experience is available via zoom for the weekly sessions. Choosing to take advantage of this service means you will receive specific and personalized step by step guidance in areas of your life or business that will forever shift the way you perceive and experience reality.
Service includes access to a Band App group where you can get support and ask questions with the opportunity for The King Maker to answer in between group live sessions.
The immersion experience will afford you concentrated exposure to The King Maker, the way she thinks, empowers and transforms those who work with her.
This is a month to month service and can be cancelled at anytime.